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General News of Friday, 21 June 2024


King Tackie Tsuru II to award the cleanest areas in Accra

Ga Mantse, King Tackie Tsuru II play videoGa Mantse, King Tackie Tsuru II

The Ga Mantse, King Tackie Tsuru II, has endorsed an initiative to award the cleanest communities in Ghana's capital city, Accra.

Speaking at the launch of the Homowo Clean Up Exercise in Accra on Friday, June 21, 2024, the Ga Mantse stated that the cleanest community in the nation's capital would be awarded after every edition of the exercise.

He indicated that the initiative would help achieve the objective of the Homowo Clean Up Exercise, which is to make Accra the cleanest city in the country.

"I fully endorse the initiative to introduce sanitation competitions, with awards to be given to the cleanest areas in the capital.

"The competition will also involve schools, markets, residential areas, offices, workshops, and lorry stations. It is my hope that the attractive awards will incentivize all city dwellers to fully participate in this competition," the King said in a statement read on his behalf.

He added, "I hereby make a special appeal to corporate bodies in this region to adopt green policies and spaces that will beautify our capital city and promote longevity in Ghana."

The King also ordered that all shops in areas where the exercise would be held should be closed.

He also ordered the removal of unauthorised banners and posters on roadsides in the capital.

Watch his remarks in the videos below:


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