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General News of Thursday, 25 January 2018

Source: COYONA

‘Kofi Adams must step down’ - Coalition of Young NDC Activists protests

Kofi Adams Kofi Adams

A group by name ‘Coalition of Young NDC Activists’ have petitioned the party’s Council of Elders to supervise the stepping down of NDC’s National Organiser, Kofi Adams, for misconduct.

In a statement written and signed by Alfred Kumah Brown, Convener of the coalition, Mr Adams has been described as 'unfit' to occupy his current position as National Organiser of the party after he dragged a man whom he accused of defrauding him to the tune of over GHC 800,000 to court. The group has however questioned the source of the funds involved in the transaction and asked that the matter be looked into.

Other allegations such as, Kofi Adams being a National Executive but declaring his constant support for Ex-President John Mahama for the party’s ‘flag bearership’ race and claims of him bringing disrepute among followers and sympathisers of the party have also been levelled against him by the Coalition.

To that effect the group has filed a petition to the NDC’s Council of Elders stating that he should be relieved of his position as the National Organiser.

Read the full statement below


25th January, 2018.
The Secretary,
The Council of Elders
National Democratic Congress

Dear Elders,


On behalf of our teeming members Nationwide, we bring this petition before you as Elders of the great National Democratic Congress as a matter of urgency.
As NDC Youth, we seek the stepping aside of Mr. Kofi Adams as National Organizer of the party based on the under listed reasons.
First, Mr. Kofi Adams is a National Executive but has on numerous occasions declared his unflinching support for Ex-President John Mahama, one of the persons aspiring for the flag bearership position of the NDC. We believe that, his actions are in sharp contravention to the NDC’s Constitution. Most importantly, if this action isn’t checked, other office holders at the National, Regional and Constituency levels may also jump into the fray and topple our reorganisation efforts.

Secondly, Mr. Kofi Adams is in court taking on a man who he accused of defrauding him to the tune of over GHC 800,000. During the court proceedings, Mr. Kofi Adams testified their transaction wasn’t documented. We are of the conviction that, Mr. Kofi Adams’ role in this transaction is a mark of gross incompetence his part especially as the organizer of a political party with mass following. We question the source of the funds involved in the transaction and observe that this is a matter that needs to be looked into.
Thirdly, the case involving Mr. Adams has brought the entire NDC and its functionaries into disrepute among followers and sympathisers of the party. The silence of the National Executive Committee of the party on the issue is very uncomfortable to us and threatens the confidence of party members in their national leadership.

In sum, the Coalition of Young NDC Activists in light of the above stated reasons judges Mr. Kofi Adams unfit to occupy the position of National Organizer until after the cases is determined and the source of the funds involved are well established. We trust that you will act on this petition with the swiftness it deserves.

Thank You.

Yours Faithfully,

Alfred Kumah Brown
Mobile: 0248184904