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General News of Sunday, 11 June 2023


Kofi Annan Interna­tional Peacekeeping Train­ing Centre produces first female PhD student

The graduants with the dignitatries after the programme The graduants with the dignitatries after the programme

The Kofi Annan Interna­tional Peacekeeping Train­ing Centre (KAIPTC) has graduated its first female Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) student, Dr Rebecca Yakubu Akatue alongside 72 other graduates.

The 11th graduation held on the theme, ‘Centring African Peace and Security Thought in a Multipolar World’ had students from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, La Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria gradu­ating.

They graduated with a Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Gender, Peace and Security; an MA degree in Conflict, Peace and Security; Executive MA Degree in Conflict, Peace and Security.

Others also graduated with Weekend MA Degree in Conflict, Peace, and Security; Weekend MA Degree in Gender, Peace and Secu­rity; PhD Degree in International Conflict Management.

The commandant of the KAIPTC, Major General Richard Addo Gyane expressing his excite­ment stated that Dr Akatue was a sign that there was gradual change at the KAIPTC saying that “we are simply excited for the welcome change to the usual line-up of our PhD graduands.”

He urged other females to strive for excellence like Dr Akatue to change the status quo.

Major General Gyane stated that the KAIPTC was committed to the vision of building a world-class in­stitution of higher learning ranked as the leading provider of tertiary education, and training in the Afri­can peace and security space.

He admonished the graduands to be mindful of the pervading threats to security that invariably hampered the continent’s econom­ic development, as they take place in society as academicians.

The commandant added that there can be no development with­out security and vice versa saying that “the two are so inter-connect­ed that it is not possible to separate one from the other.”

Major General Gyane further underscored the importance of academicians to begin critically assessing the things that continue to hold security to ransom to avert the challenges that held us back proactively.

“Today’s challenges call for creativity, innovation, resourceful­ness and the courage to impact our environment with the wealth of knowledge you have acquired,” he stressed.

Renowned economist, Mr Kwame Pianim urged all Ghana­ians to cherish the peace in the country as other parts of the world faced constant violence, insecurity and war.

He urged them to emulate Kofi Annan, the man whom the centre was named after as during his life­time, he was a pillar of peace and the voice of the voiceless.

“I want to encourage you to live up to the standards that Kofi Atta Annan’s life of integrity and ser­vice to humanity exemplified. You bear the Kofi Annan brand and icon from which you derive your name,” he said.

Mr Pianim tasked the graduates to leverage their training from the KAIPTC to promote global world peace saying that “I wish you well and trust that you will go forth and disseminate peace and security around you and you will demon­strate the virtues of prudence, tolerance and humility for building democratic institutions.”

Businessman and Chief Execu­tive of Officer (CEO) of Cen­tre of Awareness Global Peace Mission (COAGPM), Professor Samuel Ato Duncan congratulated the graduates for their new success adding that “the knowledge you have acquired here is for the ben­efit of your immediate society and the world at large, but consider the Fundamental Law of Peace at all times.”

Meanwhile, Prof. Duncan and Mr Pianim were both presented with wooden oval-shaped wall with their pictures embossed and good­will messages for their contribution to peace.