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Regional News of Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Source: GNA

Kofigya lacks many social amenities – Nene Anonger

Nene Ador Anonger, Odikro of Kofigya in the Suhum Municipality, has said he has provided a parcel of land for the construction of a school block.

“The over 700 inhabitants of the area need schools, public toilets, potable water and refuse dump site”, he said adding that “a series of meetings with landowners to release lands for these amenities have not yielded the expected results”.

The Odikro said this after some members of the community accused him for doing nothing to help improve the standard of living in the town.

Nene Anonger, who is also the Vice Chairman of the Suhum – Accra Branch Office of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), said residents are being knocked down by vehicles and the construction of more speed ramps are needed.

Some youth of the town, who pleaded anonymity, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) here that there were not enough social amenities like potable water, refuse dump site, additional public toilets, schools and social centre in the town.