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Regional News of Monday, 8 March 2021

Source: GNA

Koforidua GPRTU intensifies road safety campaign

The Ghana Private Road Transport Union of T.U.C The Ghana Private Road Transport Union of T.U.C

Mr Albert Kumako, Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) Chairman for Ho Lorry Station in Koforidua, says his outfit has stepped up road safety education among members this year after recording two separate accidents in 2020.

He blamed one of the roads crashes along the Hohoe [Volta Region] routes in January last year on the wrong use of high light by an oncoming vehicle and deep potholes.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview in Koforidua, the Eastern Regional capital, Mr Kumako said, “Five people lost their lives in the Ho road accident, four adult and a child, which also occurred in December 2020.”

Following the incidence, he said the Union rolled out a scheme to educate their drivers, every day, on causes of road accidents and how to void needless crashes.

He said motorists were taken through proper maintenance of their cars, avoid over speeding, the need for drivers to rest when fatigued and avoid drinking alcohol while driving.

“That has helped them with no cases of accident this year [2021],” he emphasized

“No road accident has been recorded from Ho Station in the New Juaben South Municipality as compared to last year, with two accidents which occurred on the Hohoe and Ho roads.”

Mr Kumako also highlighted the measures adopted by the Union to ensure both drivers and passengers were protected from catching COVID-19.

“We always ensure that every passenger must have their face masks on before being allowed into any bus and also observe other procedures,” he said.

He added that GPRTU has placed veronica buckets at stations’ entrance to allow passengers to wash their hands under running water with soap before purchasing their destination tickets.

Mr Kwaku Botwe Nkrankwan, a driver at the Ho Station, lauded GPRTU leadership for stiffening road safety campaign activities, which was yielding positive results.

He said the move had among several things, compelled drivers to listen to passengers’ complaints or cautions on over speeding and reckless driving along the road.

Another driver, Mr Israel Amoako, however, expressed disappointment over failure by the New Juaben South Municipal Assembly to dispose of piled up refuse at the stations, despite collecting taxes from them.