General News of Monday, 22 May 2017


Kojo Yankah chides government over job allocations

Former Minister of State, Prof. Kojo Yankah Former Minister of State, Prof. Kojo Yankah

A former Minister of State and the Former Editor of the Daily Graphic, Kojo Yankah, has launched a blistering outcry against the penchant of governments to dismiss public office holders and appoint persons of their own stock to fill vacant positions.

He questioned what he called “merry-go-round joke in Ghana”, where one government appoints and the other lays them off, simply for political reasons.

In a Facebook rant looking at creating jobs in the country, Mr Yankah argued that it was rather a disturbing trend that experienced persons who have had the opportunity to serve the nation at the highest national levels, “are elbowing for positions far below their previous ranks and denying unemployed young men the opportunity to get jobs”.

The rant is an apparent displeasure of the Nana Akufo-Addo-led administration, like others, to sack public office holders who are not of their stock or ilk.

“They should [be] taking advisory positions instead,” he wrote. Mr Yankah condemned the situation where “professionals who can establish their own businesses chase the same jobs on the market,” effectively knocking out the young and energetic professionals who have trained to serve the nation at that point of their lives.

He questioned how the country expects unemployment figures to dip if such a trend persists and prayed to “God to save Ghana Our Motherland”.