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Regional News of Monday, 3 April 2006

Source: GNA

Kongo JSS Renovated at a Cost of 102 Million Cedis.

Kongo (U/E), April 3, GNA - The newly created Talensi-Nabdam District Assembly in the Upper East Region has renovated the Kongo Junior Senior School (JSS) block, which was ripped off by a rainstorm last year at a cost of 102 Million Cedis.

Mr. Joseph Clement Kanselley, Headmaster of the school announced this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Kongo at the weekend.

He commended Mr. Sebastian Tibil Bisnab, District Chief Executive and the entire staff of the district assembly for their timely response to the renovation of the school.

Mr. Kanselley also commended Mr. Moses Asaga, the Nabdam Constituency Member of Parliament (MP) for providing the school with a number of dual desks and books worth several millions of cedis. He appealed to Dr. Mark Nawaani, a native of Kongo currently working with the Central Regional Directorate of the Ghana Health Services (GHS) to continue to support the school, and further commended him for providing a set of football jerseys and a football to the school.

Mr. Kanselley called on parents to visit the school always to enable them to interact with the teachers on the performance of their wards. 03 April 06