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Health News of Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Source: GNA

Korle Bu Fire not linked to CMS Issue-MOH

Mr Tony Goodman, Public Relations Officer of the Ministry of Health has said that the fire that gutted some offices of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital’s Pharmacy Department has no link to the Central Medical Stores fire issue.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in a telephone interview, Mr Goodman explained that the Korle Bu fire was as a result of a faulty air conditioner and only the library, the common room and some furniture were destroyed.

Fire on Tuesday, gutted the Information Department of the Pharmacy but fire personnel responded promptly to the distress call and were able to put the fire under control.

Mr Mustapha Salifu, Public Relations Officer of Korle Bu Hospital told the GNA that the timely intervention by the fire service prevented it from spreading to other offices of the department.

‘We do not suspect any foul play as people might think, linking it to the Central Medical Stores, and though some damage has been caused, it is not very serious”.

He assured the public that the extent of damage would not affect patient care and operations at the hospital.