Health News of Friday, 28 October 2005

Source: GNA

Korle-Bu Management donates to ENT Department

Accra, Oct. 28, GNA - The Management of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital on Friday presented a set of Broncho Scope and its accessories to the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Department of the Hospital to help in retrieving foreign bodies from the ears, throats and noses of patients. Professor Samuel Ofosu Armaah, Board Chairman of the Hospital, who made the presentation on behalf of Management, said the equipment was worth 43,000 euros.

He said there were many cases of patients, especially children reporting with difficulty in breathing due to the inhalation and the swallowing of foreign bodies like groundnut, seeds, charcoal, pebbles, maize and plastics.

"The broncho scope would be used to retrieve these foreign bodies from the windpipe of the patient to enable him or her to breath normally because if it is not retrieved it could lead to death", he said. Dr Emmanuel Kitcher, Head of ENT Department, commended the Management for the equipment and said there was the dire need for it. He appealed to parents to keep a closer eye on their children to prevent them from picking up dangerous particles into their noses, throats and ears because it could be fatal.