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Sports News of Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Kotoko Circles Chairman 'mad' over poor performance

Chairman of Hot Circle 2, Nkoo Joseph Chairman of Hot Circle 2, Nkoo Joseph

Joseph Nkoo, Chairman of Hot Circle 2 of Kotoko in Accra, is brimming with rage over the lackadaisical performance of the Kotoko players.

The Porcupine Warriors had uncharacteristically failed to record a win in four straight league outings creating anxiety within the Kotoko family.

Nkoo, a dyed-in-the-wool supporter of Kotoko, laid the blame of Kotoko’s current poor run right at the doorstep of the playing body.

He observed with pain that the Kotoko players lack commitment, dedication and seriousness, hence the club’s unimpressive showing in the league.

According to him, Kotoko, currently boasts of all the quality players in the local league, yet the team is not recording wins, venting his spleen on the players.

“I think the players are relaxing”, he fumed, adding that some Kotoko players act like politicians who determine the future of coaches and management.”

More often than not, he said, coaches and management had lost their jobs because of poor run and bad performance by the playing body.

Nkoo said Kotoko supporters had had enough of the emotional torture, urging the players to buck up; else they (players) would be labeled as traitors.

“They perform creditably in their former teams, immediately Kotoko goes for them, some of them become politicians.”

“Others too begin to look and sound like car hunters instead of their normal duties as footballers,” he complained.