General News of Thursday, 2 January 2003

Source: PeaceFM Online

Kufour And Rawlings Urged To Unite

Concerns have been raised in government circles and the NDC party, on the need to improve the ‘hostile’ relationship between former president J.J. Rawlings and President J.A. Kufour.

Press Secretary to the President, Mr Kwabena Agyapong and Mr Victor Smith, the spokesman for Mr Rawlings both admitted that, the relationship between the two leaders has not been the best, ever since there was a change in governance.

Mr Kwabena Agyapong told Peace FM that, the NPP government will continue to explore other means by which relationship can be improved. They were commenting on the refusal of Mr Rawlings and his former Vice’s refusal to accept a gift sent to them by the State Protocol.

Mr Victor Smith is however demanding an explanation from President Kufour, as to why his relationship with the former president turned sour, since it was not so prior to his assumption of power.