Editorial News of Saturday, 24 March 2001

Source: --

Kufuor & Co Eat 30m Cedis a Week

The expenses of President J. A. Kufuor on food alone for Presidential Staffers, ordered from the Golden Tulip in Accra, now stands at 30 million cedis a week, reports the Palaver.

This, it is said, is to cater for visitors who call on the Presidency, even after work. The highest expenses, ever incurred by the Presidential household during the "long" tenure of office of ex- President J.J. Rawlings was about 4 million cedis a week.

When shown the figures, an internal auditor questioned whether part of the food is also being used to feed Elephants.

Meanwhile, the weekly expenses on food, when added to the huge expenditure being-borne by the state in the renovation works being undertaken in President Kufuor's house perhaps, gives cause to the reason why the President would want to stay in his own house, quite a distance away from the "filth" of the castle, Osu.

For with the carting of new items, on Government vehicles, almost on daily basis, the total household expenditure might have already crossed the 500 million cedis mark.

According to eye-witnesses, every item, from toilet facilities to dining tables and air-conditioners are being replaced.

But for lack of space, we would have been heading towards the "installation" of a Buckingham Palace in Accra, with Ghana's Royal Highness sleeping in comfort there, HIPC or no HIPC!