General News of Saturday, 8 September 2007

Source: GNA

Kufuor asks teachers to embrace new education reforms

Winneba (C/R) Sept. 8 GNA-President John Agyekum Kufuor on Saturday said unless teachers at every stage of the education system embrace the reforms, no amount of money spent on facilities will make the difference to achieving the nation's goals.

He has therefore urged teachers to work hard to ensure the success of the programme towards the development of the nation.

President Kufuor said this at the 12th Congregation of the University of Education, Winneba, which was, for the first time in the history of the University attended by a large crowd of people, Two thousand six hundred (2,600) students graduated and awarded various certificates ranging from diploma to masters degrees. A total of 13 students received post graduate diploma in education while 44 received master of philosophy in education.

President Kufuor, in this regard said; "teachers are at the very heart of these reforms, adding that new buildings, learning and teachers materials are being provided to the schools for the success of the reforms.

He said in implementing the reforms, a lot of attention was being paid to the role and well-being of the teacher, while the government has procured vehicles for regional and district directors and other categories of managers in the education system. The President said more avenues have been created for teachers serving in the rural areas to access training and retraining to improve their skills.

"I know that teachers still feel dissatisfied with their remuneration, but I hope they will be charitable enough to concede that this government has made considerable efforts in improving the pay of teacher".

As the economy improves all our circumstances will improve as well, adding that, the prospects are getting better and better, it is only a matter of patience, he said.

President Kufuor said the economy is generally growing more and more robust and therefore appealed to all in the teaching profession to realize that government and teachers are on the same side. The President assured Ghanaians that the government is committed to making the education reforms a success and hoped that all sectors will play their part, adding that parents and community leaders should also take an interest in the programme.

He said the nation's future depended on the success of the young people and education system that was fashioned for them.

The President said, while criticism should be welcome, pessimism and skepticism must be avoided in this process.

He commended the UEW for its effort at producing teachers for the schools and hoped its would continue to produce quality teachers towards the success of the education reforms. President Kufuor said the government has demonstrated its belief and commitment to the importance of universities in the development of the country.

He said during the past six ye ars a substantial amount of the nation's resources had gone to the tertiary sector and many of the institutions are beginning to show the evidence of this investment. President Kufuor assured the authorities of UEW that the remaining 13 billion out of the 25 billion cedis he promised them would come very soon.

He commended the first and out-going Vice-chancellor of the University, Professor Jophus Anamuah-Mensah for his hard work and commitment that had brought the university to this level and hoped that he would still offer his rich experience towards the development of the nation.

Professor Anamuah-Mensah in his address said if Ghana was to develop its science and engineering capacity as stipulated in the new education reform, the training of science and mathematics teachers should be given a priority. He also called for the expansion of laboratory spaces while facilities for practical activities should be provided at all levels of education, adding that the 110 Science Resources Centres in the country be rehabilitated and re-equipped to provide training for students. Among those present were, Neenyi Ghartey VII, Omanhene of Effutu, Mr. Joe Ghartey, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Mr. Samuel Owusu Adjei, Minister for Private Sector Reforms, Central Regional Minister, Nana Ato Attah, Members of the Council of State, Members of Parliament, Ministers of State and District Chief Executives. 08 Sept. 07 ATTENTION RECIPIENTS: ITEM 15 ENDS OUR THIRD TRANSMISSION