…Company Has Faceless Owners
The Enquirer’s investigations have revealed that the company which the Presidency awarded a whopping $1.4 million contract to supply medals without tender is not just a phony budding company but an offshore company who owners are by law kept secret. Details of shareholders and directors are by law not to be revealed to anyone, not even government of Ghana unless by an order of a court in a criminal investigation.
Cleave & Company International Limited, the company which supplied the medals though is registered as an offshore company in The Bahamas, operates from a small office in Jersey, Channel Islands which is also an offshore center in United Kingdom.
The only visible employees of Cleave & company International Limited at their offshore base in Jersey is a lying secretary and a dodgy one-man manger called Steve ‘Gonnry’.
The Bahamas registered Cleave & Company International Limited from which the Presidency purchased he jewelry is connect to another off-shore British Company known as Cleave & Company Limited. The two companies owned by the same faceless individuals were all registered in the year 2001.
On paper, the two companies Cleave & Company International Limited and Cleave Company limited have two separate office addresses and are supposedly managed by different people, but when The Enquirer’s undercover investigators phone the two separate companies from their different phone numbers, they all went to one evasive man called Steve “Gonnry”.
When The Enquirer phone Cleave & Company International Limited yesterday, a huge drama unfolded when investigators told the secretary that we were doing trade enquiries about the possibility of doing the business with them. The Secretary connected undercover investigators to one Steve Gonnry.
When Steve was asked whether Cleave & Company International Limited was an offshore company in the Bahamas operating in the UK, he answered that it was an International Company.
When he was asked whether they were operating in the Channel Island as an offshore company, Steve immediately began saying that the line is not very clear and terminated the call.
Within seconds when The Enquirer undercover called back, the same secretary who picked the call earlier now said, that within that second when the number was redialed, the secretary now said she was not the one who answered the call.
When she was told we were just on the phone with one Steve, seconds earlier she asked The Enquirer undercover to hold on and returned within seconds to announce that Steve, whom we were speaking to seconds earlier was not available to answer any further trade enquiries and suggested that Steve had vanished from the office within the same seconds.
The lying Secretary then told The Enquirer that nobody could answer any trade enquiries except Steve who had sneaked out of the office with the speed of wind just because of one question.
The Enquirer who already knew that Cleave & Company International Limited is connected to another British offshore company called Cleave & Company Ltd and operated by the same gang telephoned the company on their number which is different from the number of Cleave & Company International Ltd.
To the Surprise of undercover investigators, the same Steve Gonnry who had vanished from the phone line of Cleave & Company International Limited because of a question was the one who answered the call.
When The Enquirer undercover mentioned his name on the phone, Steve appeared frozen on the line and attempted to evade questioning by saying that he was not prepared to answer questions on Cleave & Company International Limited because he did not work for them.
The Enquirer persisted and told dodgy Steve that they already knew that Cleave & Company UK and Cleave & Company International Limited – Bahamas, were connected and so he could not claim not to be working for Cleave & Company International Limited when he had earlier answered the phone as a manager of Cleave & company International Limited.
The following are the excepts of the phone conversation.
Enquirer: Hello is that Cleave & Company
Steve: Yes please yes
Steve: My name is Steve Gonnry
Enquirer: Is Cleave & Company International Limited a subsidiary of British Group Cleave & Company Ltd.
Steve: Why do you ask
Enquirer: Because I know you are connected to Cleave Company Ltd UK under a string of offshore arrangement.
Steve: That’s correct
Enquirer: So am asking if Cleave & Company international Limited is a subsidiary of Cleave and Company UK.
Steve: No its not a subsidiary it’s a separate company.
Enquirer: So Cleave & Company International Ltd is the one registered in The Bahamas.
Steve: yes, it’s an International Company in Jersey UK.
Enquirer: Yes it’s based in Jersey but it is registered in The Bahamas?
Steve: Why do you ask?
Enquirer: Am doing a trade enquiry for a client and I what to know whether it’s the same company registered in The Bahamas.
Steve: yes it is
Enquirer: How long has Cleave & Company been in existence?
Steve: Why do you ask because there has been a lot of hassle today so I am here by own so unless you give me a reason why you want to know
Enquirer: Yes I want to know about your track record
Steve: We have been going since 2001
Enquirer: So how does Cleave & Company International Ltd and Cleave Company Ltd operate.
Steve: hangs up the phone and vanishes
Enquirer: The answer is that Cleave & Company International Ltd and Cleave & Company Ltd are all offshore companies run by a gang of faceless businessmen who use a complicated web to do their business in a manner that no one gets to know who they are.
Who Is Cleave Company Ltd:
Cleave & Company Ltd is a private limited Liability company established on 25/07/2001 in the United Kingdom whilst Cleave & Company International was established in The Bahamas in the Caribbean.The objects of the company is manufacture of jewelry. As at 2001, the original name of the company was J.R. GAUNT & SON LIMITED. By 24/07/2004, the entire list of members and Directors were changed.