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General News of Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Source: AFP/Mahmud Turkia

Kufuor's meeting with Kadhafi dispel rumour

Ghana/Libya pledge greater economic-co-operation
Libyan President Moamer Kadhafi (R) accompanied by Ghana's President and Chairman of the African Union John Kufuor (L) in Tripoli, Libya on Monday scoffed at rumours about Kadhafi's state of health after a report he was in a coma, and aired pictures of the veteran leader on state television

Ghana/Libya pledge greater economic-co-operation From Kwaku Osei Bonsu, GNA Special Correspondent, Tripoli, Libya

Tripoli, May 15, GNA - Ghana and Libya have pledged greater economic co-operation for their mutual benefit with Libya expressing interest in investing in palm and rubber plantations in Ghana. Consequently, the Ghana/Libya Joint Commission for Co-operation would be meeting in June this year in Libya.

This was the outcome of bilateral talks between President John Agyekum Kufuor and the Libyan Leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, in Tripoli on Monday.

President Kufuor, accompanied by some senior government officials, was in Tripoli for a day's official visit at the invitation of the Libyan Leader.

Mr Andrew Awuni, the Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesperson, told newsmen accompanying the President that the two Heads of State used their meeting, which lasted for over one hour, to discuss co-operation in energy, satellite connectivity and distant education. He said the position of President Kufuor was that economic co-operation was key to the realization of the vision of Union Government of Africa and had been pushing aggressively in this direction.

Mr Awuni said the Libyan Leader said he was more determined to see massive inflow of Libyan investments in Ghana. Already, they are into the hospitality industry in Ghana with investment in the City Hotel in Kumasi.

Mr Awuni said the upcoming African Union Summit in Ghana in July and its main agenda, the direction of the Union Government, also came up for discussion.

He said President Kufuor updated Colonel Gaddafi on the preparations Ghana was making towards ensuring the success of the Summit.

The two Leaders also reviewed the political situation in Zimbabwe and Nigeria.

President Kufuor would return to Accra on Tuesday.