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Regional News of Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Source: GNA

Kumasi Methodist diocese makes inroads in education

Kumasi, Oct 7, GNA - The Kumasi Diocese of the Methodist Church has agreed with the Garden City University College at Kenyase near Kumasi to sponsor three female students from the diocese to the university. The Right-Reverend Nuh Ben Abubekr, the outgoing Methodist Bishop of Kumasi, who disclosed this, said a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed by the two institutions. The programme is aimed at ensuring that females in the church acquire high quality education for their career development. He was speaking at an end-of-term thanksgiving service, held in his honour at the Wesley Methodist Cathedral in Kumasi on Sunday. Bishop Abubekr spent six years in office, during which he transformed the internal structures of the church, and also instituted vibrant programmes and policies for the benefit of the members. The outgoing Bishop said in addition, the diocese was currently sponsoring 13 needy but brilliant students of the church at the tertiary levels.

"The Methodist Church had since its establishment in the country contributed immensely to educational development," he noted, saying, the leadership will therefore not lose focus in upholding this principle. He appealed to the diocesan synod to give the incoming Bishop, the Reverend Professor Emmanuel Asante the necessary support to move the diocese to a higher level. Bishop Abubekr warned the members against social vices, back biting and practices that were alien to the tenets, constitution and principles of the church to enhance its image.