General News of Wednesday, 16 February 2005


Kumasi Technical Institute Closed Down

The Kumasi Technical Institute KTI has been temporary closed down following what the school authorities described as the unacceptable misbehavior of the student population which led to the destruction of school property.

Riot police used tear gas and fired warning shots to break up demonstrating students.

Speaking on Kapital Radio's mid morning show, brunch time this morning, the Senior House Master of KTI, Mr. Sam Brako explained that the students, who were said to have been aggrieved with the suspension of the school from this year's inter-schools competition, mobilized themselves into a group and went on rampage last night destroying school property. Some of the items destroyed according to Mr. Brako included three vehicles, school furniture and some electrical gadgets like bulbs. This Mr. Brako said comes after the students had earlier embarked on a demonstration last week to press home their demands. He pointed out that the students' action compelled the school authorities to call for the assistance of the police force this morning to help control the situation.

Meanwhile, some of the students who spoke to Kapital Radio accused the school authorities for aggravating the situation by bringing in the police whom they claim fired tear gar and rubber bullets to bring down the tension in the school. They also accused the police personnel of physically assaulting and beating some their colleagues who were finally carried to the hospital.

The students also attributed their action to what they described as the lackadaisical attitude of some teaching staff towards lessons. The Senior House Master however stated that no student has been arrested in connection with the disturbances but added that calm has virtually returned to the school after the students agreed to vacate the campus.

The Deputy Police Commander Mr. K. A. Opare Addo who was in charge of the police operation at the school said the police will still continue to guard the school.