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Health News of Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Source: GNA

Kwaebibirem health insurance scheme registers 70% membership

Kade, Oct. 21, GNA - About 132,000 persons, have registered with the Kwaebibirem Mutual Health Insurance Scheme. With an estimated District population of 248,000, the figure represented about 70 percent of people who have joined the scheme. This was made known by Mr Reynolds Opoku of the data section of the scheme, during a meeting with chairmen of the Community Health Insurance Committees as part of preparations towards the holding of the second annual general meeting.

He said between January and August this year, the scheme recorded a total of 15,468 hospital attendance for which GH¢2,209,153.72 was paid to health providers.

In order to make premium collectors to work harder, the percentage of their commission had been increased from eight to 10.