Regional News of Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Source: The Power Station

LUCAS College brings a refreshing approach to education

LUCAS College is a tertiary higher education institution accredited in Ghana LUCAS College is a tertiary higher education institution accredited in Ghana

LUCAS College hosted its maiden Press Conference on July 25th, 2017 to announce its presence in Ghana’s educational sector.

Accredited in December 2016, LUCAS College made it their prime mission to bridge the gap between Academia and Industry and equip students for success in the professional world.

In attendance were esteemed guests Andy Mensah (Human Resource Partner, IBM), Emmanuel Frimpong (Deputy Director of Operations, Tourism Society of Ghana), Delphine Adenot Adenot - Owusu (Director, CCI France Ghana) and Kwasi Buabeng (Lawyer/ Immediate past Principal, National Banking College).

They supported LUCAS mission and stated how critical it was for universities and the private sector to collaborate. By working together, they could train graduates to be ready for the professional world.

Looking at the challenge of unemployment that students face after graduation, Toufic Tasso, President of LUCAS, stated, “From day one, we work to bridge the gap by providing an education that links students with experts in the field. These experts help create curricula, host workshops and play a key role in helping our students get internships and work experience.”

Dr. Hillar Addo highlighted other beneficial aspects of LUCAS: a bilingual education that helps them work across the region; an intensive training in personal development and technology; access to the international partner colleges allowing them to earn international degrees out of Accra and to study and work abroad.

Andy Mensah and Emmanuel Frimpong both backed the importance placed by LUCAS on practical training and skills development. They saw the training as an essential complement to knowledge and techniques acquisition.

For Kwasi Buabeng, “A university that teaches a mere recall of facts cannot help the nation move forward. Students need to be taught how to solve problems, how to work together in a team and how to apply what they’ve learned.”

Delphine Adenot-Owusu focused on professional training and its importance. “CCI France Ghana,” she said, “is offering its members, in partnership with LUCAS, a variety of training seminars helping companies grow through the development of their human resources skills.”

LUCAS College is a tertiary higher education institution accredited in Ghana in 2016, preparing its students with Bachelor and Master’s degrees in three schools: Business & Management, Information Technology & Computer Science, and Hospitality & Tourism.

The College builds on the experience of its sponsors and educational partners: GIMPA (Ghana), Griffith College (Ireland), MBWay (France) and MyDigitalSchool (France). Students are prepared in Accra for the degrees of these partner colleges.

Admissions are now open for September 2017. Interested candidates can visit the LUCAS campus opposite Perez Chapel in Dzorwulu, or call (030) 278 8001 or (026) 237 5801, or visit the website at
