General News of Wednesday, 8 November 2017


LaNMMA organizes five-hour clean-up exercise

Street hawkers, market women and workers of the assembly took part in the clean-up exerciseStreet hawkers, market women and workers of the assembly took part in the clean-up exercise

The La-Nkwantanang-Madina Municipal Assembly (LaNMMA) has organized a massive clean-up exercise - to keep the municipality tidy.

On hand to participate in the five-hour exercise were street hawkers, market women, residents and workers of the assembly. .
They removed garbage that had blocked open drains and swept the principal streets and cleared refuse at unauthorized points.

Areas covered included Atomic, Zongo and Ritz Junctions.

Trucks were deployed in support of the exercise by four companies – Nkosuo Waste, Zoom Domestic, Alliance Waste and Honest Waste.

Twenty (20) persons were arrested and made to pay fines for refusing to participate in the exercise.

Alhaji Dramani Saaka, the Municipal Coordinating Director, spoke of the need for all to assist keep the area clean to prevent diseases.
They should avoid littering and dumping refuse into gutters and open places.