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Crime & Punishment of Monday, 25 March 2013

Source: peacefmonline

Land dispute: 48-year-old man killed

A 48-year-old man has been killed by unknown assailants following a land dispute at Kasoa in the Central Region.

The incident which occurred on Sunday has sent chills down the spine of many of the neighbours in Kasoa. Mr. Ata Antwi Ntim was allegedly pulled from his house to the land in contention and assassinated.

Narrating the incident in an interview on Peace FM, the wife of the deceased, Mrs. Rebecca Ntim said a gentleman with the name, Jeffery Hammond, came with a group of people laying claims to the land.

“The case was reported at the police station and we were asked to produce our documents. We sent our documents but Jeffery Hammond and the rest refused to bring their documents to prove that the land was theirs. The police then warned them not to step on the land again since it legally belonged to us”.

However, land guards went to their Kasoa residence on Sunday and attacked the husband.

Neighbours called in the police and on their arrival, the alleged land guards amidst gun shots, had hauled Mr. Ntim to a nearby bush and by the time the police got there, Mr. Ntim was lying in a pool of blood with a broken neck.

The assailants are at large.