General News of Tuesday, 22 April 2003

Source: GNA

Large quantities of foodstuffs getting rotten

Large quantities of foodstuffs and cash crops are going rotten almost everyday in most towns and villages in the Aowin-Suaman District of the Western Region.

This is due to the fact that the access roads to these towns and villages have been rendered un-motorable by the onset of the rains.

As a result, the people living along the roads who are mostly farmers and their only means of livelihood depend on the foodstuffs they grow, have appealed to the government to come to their aid without delay, to alleviate their plight by assisting them to convey their farm produce to the marketing centres.

The roads, which have been rendered virtually un-motorable, include Enchi-Dadieso, Enchi-Achimfo, Enchi-Jussue, Enchi-Nyamekrom, Bikwaokrom, Enchi-Omanpe, Boiso, Jema, Dadieso-Kkwasikrom and Mpatakro-Obeng.

When The Ghana News Agency (GNA) was conducted round by some of the villages to inspect the condition of the roads, it found out that most of the vehicles, which attempted to ply the roads, have either broken down or got stuck in the muddy parts of the roads.

Several tonnes of foodstuffs, mostly plantain, banana, cocoyam, cassava, palm fruits and oranges were heaped along the routes awaiting transportation to the marketing centres and were rotting.

Cocoa farmers are also finding it difficult to convey their cocoa beans to the cocoa buying centres.

The situation has prevented passengers and government officials from travelling outside the district.