General News of Wednesday, 3 August 2005

Source: GNA

Law prohibits hunting from August to December

Takoradi, August 03, GNA - Mr Richard Gyamfi Boakye, an Assistant Wildlife Officer at the Western Regional Office of the Wildlife Division, on Wednesday said it is against the law to hunt, capture or destroy wildlife from August 01 to December 01 every year. Speaking in an interview with the GNA in Takoradi, he said this was the period that wild animals breed and move with their young. Mr Boakye said grass cutter is exempted from the law because it breeds all year round.

He said the law is intended to conserve wildlife some of which are under threat of extinction.

Mr Boakye said for purposes of conservation and prevention of indiscriminate killing of wild animals, it is prohibited to use bushfires, dogs, snares artificial lights or bulbs for hunting. He said it is prohibited to keep wild animals as pets without licence and that those wishing to trade in bush meat have to obtain valid license from district assemblies.

Mr Boakye said wild animals have important medical uses and a small South American monkey, the cotton-tapped marmoset, is being used to develop a potent vaccine against lymphatic cancer. Venom from vipers is being used with modifications as non-addictive painkillers and in the treatment of hypertension and thrombosis. 03 Aug 05