General News of Thursday, 13 August 2020

Source: Kweku Ampong, Contributor

Lawrence Joseph Ashun tipped for St. John's School Old Boys’ Association Vice Chairmanship position

Lawrence Joseph Ashun is the Director of Global Management Consultants Lawrence Joseph Ashun is the Director of Global Management Consultants

Lawrence Joseph Ashun, Director of Global Management Consultants in the UK company and a senior forensic accountant in charge of financial capital approval for banks and other giant financial institutions is seeking the mandate to serve the global fraternity of St. John's School Old Boys Association (Old Saints) as Vice Chairman at its global elections on 15th August, 2020.

Old Saint Lawrence Joseph Ashun has been a member of the Association in good standing for over a decade and has previously played major engine room supports for the Association over the years and feels the time has come for him to bring his experiences, exposure, expertise to the frontline to collaborate with other members of the executive committee to move the fraternity to the next level.

Speaking to the media, Old Saint Lawrence Joseph Ashun said "my desire is to serve and help in all ways using every breath in me and all resources to help the chairman and other executives to bring our dear Old Saints Association to the position we desire in society. I can't rest until there is an achievement. I humbly look forward to serving the Association and my beloved school.

"As an Old Saint, I reserve the single responsibility to contribute to the reforms and restructuring of our dear Association. One way is to present myself as the opportunity has presented itself so i can contribute quality and effective leadership that will solutionize the challenges confronting us to renew our enthusiasm and ensure our collective gains," he added.

Even though he has a great deal of endorsements from amongst fellow Old Saints, he is keenly contested by Mr. Francis Ackom Buadu.

They have all been cleared by the Association's electoral commission headed by Old Saint Robert Nana Mensah to contest for the slot.

All the other positions including Joseph Honny for Chairmanship, un-opposed, The Treasurer, Courage Ahiagbe, un-opposed, The Organizing Secretary, Vincent Semapley, un-opposed, The Secretary, Josiah Eshun, un-opposed, Officer, Alex Darku, un-opposed, Officer, Jeffrey Abeiku Sam, un-opposed.