Regional News of Monday, 21 November 2022

Source: K Peprah

Lecturer at GIJ cautions journalists against irresponsible journalism

Fact-checking remains a key and essential element in basic journalism Fact-checking remains a key and essential element in basic journalism

Zakaria Tanko Musa, a lecturer at the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) has cautioned journalists and media practitioners in the country to strictly abide by the code of conduct and ethical values governing the profession.

He expressed disgust about growing incidents of defamation in the Ghanaian media space, saying if not checked, the media could lose its freedom as enshrined in the 1992 constitution.

“I have appeared severally before the National Media Commission (NMC) to defend journalists on issues of ethics and we must try as much as possible to remain circumspect in our reportage,” Alhaji Musa stated.

Tanko Musa gave the caution when he was speaking at the opening session of a two-day capacity-building workshop for selected media practitioners and personnel of the Information Service Department (ISD), underway at Fiapre, near Sunyani.

The Ghana Commission for UNESCO in collaboration with the German Commission for UNESCO and Dubawa Ghana, a fact-checking organisation, organised the workshop attended by about 100 participants.

It was aimed at building the capacity of the participants to counter disinformation and well position them to produce and report factual and accurate news.

Alhaji Musa indicated that though chapter 12 of the 1992 constitution guaranteed the freedom of the press, journalists and media practitioners had no absolute freedom, and urged them to remain responsible enough in the course of their constitutional duties.

He said it was always necessary for the media to remain circumspect and decorous in order not to abuse and lose the freedom bestowed on them by society, saying “we are gradually losing public trust and freedom to operate”.

Madam Caroline Anipa, the Country Lead, Dubawa Ghana, who took the participants through fact-checking said, until the media checked and double-checked their facts, they would not be able to churn out good and compelling stories.

She said fact-checking remains a key and essential element in basic journalism and advised the media not to rush to the press, instead having ample time to cross-check their facts from relevant sources.

Mr. Larry Paa Kwesi Moses, the Chairman of the Bono, Bono East, and Ahafo Regional branch of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) described the workshop as timely and relevant and expressed appreciation to the organisers.

He said he was hopeful that the relationship between the GJA and UNESCO and Dubawa would be strengthened for mutual benefit, and asked the participants to take advantage and broaden their scope of operations.

Earlier, Joan Agyekum Nsowah, the Programme Officer for Communication and Information, Ghana Commission for UNESCO, said similar training had been held for other participants in the Bono East Region and expressed the hope that training would empower the media to do compelling stories to sharpen society.