Regional News of Saturday, 30 July 2005

Source: GNA

Legon University Teachers Association of Ghana Elect Officers - 2005

LEGON, Accra, July 30, GNA - The Legon branch of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) on Thursday, elected its new officers at the University of Ghana campus. The new UTAG President is now Dr. John Ofosu-Anim of the Crop Science Department while, Dr. Francis K.E. Nunoo of Oceanography & Fisheries Department becomes the new Vice-President.

The position of the Secretary went to Dr. Ebenezer O. Owusu of Zoology Department with Dr. (Mrs.) Irene Egyir of the Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Department assuming the position of the Treasurer. These elected officers would be in office for a period of two years.

Dr. Kwadwo Ofori of the Crop Science Department was the Electoral Officer. In his remarks after the election, he said that the elected officers would soon be sworn into office at a later date.