General News of Monday, 17 September 2018


Let My Vote Count Alliance commemorates third anniversary

David Asante is convener of Let My Vote Count Alliance David Asante is convener of Let My Vote Count Alliance

The Let My Vote Count Alliance (LMVCA) has commemorated the third anniversary of the historic demonstration that was held on 16th September, 2015 to demand for a clean voters’ register and credible elections ahead of the December 2016 elections.

Three years ago, an otherwise peaceful demonstration was disrupted when the police and security operatives charged unarmed, non-violent civilian demonstrators with guns, batons, hot water cannons and tear gas. LMVCA commiserates with the hundreds of people who suffered various degrees of injuries during the demonstration. For many, the physical scars as well as emotional trauma emanating from the incident are still unforgettable. The case is pending in the law court, and LMVCA is committed to seeking justice for the victims and calls on all parties to expedite the processes in order to secure justice.

In spite of the brutalities meted out to the peaceful demonstrators, the demonstration of 16th September, 2015 is a watershed event in the democracy of our nation as it sparked public sensitization and massive electoral awakening to be vigilant and watchful in order to secure credible elections from the Electoral Commission of Ghana. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the 2016 elections resulted in a landslide victory in which all other parties graciously accepted the outcome.

Nevertheless, LMVCA remains resolute in calls for a clean voters’ register as a prerequisite for credible elections. To our fallen heroes, on this day we say our toils will not be in vain. We have duly contributed to the consolidation of Ghana’s democracy through the full exercise of our constitutional right to embark on peaceful demonstration. We stand by all the affected and brutally assaulted as we still pursue the matter at the law court. We will not rest until justice is fully served.

LMVCA remains committed to ensuring transparency and fairness in the electoral process and urges the Electoral Commission of Ghana to adopt broader consultation and collaboration with major stakeholders so as to enhance the activities of the EC.
