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General News of Sunday, 30 April 2017


Let’s fight terrorism together – Mutsru Mumuni

From left - Mutsru Mumuni in a sea blue shirt From left - Mutsru Mumuni in a sea blue shirt

A Ghanaian Coventry University graduate, Mutsru Mumuni Muqthar has called for the need for African countries to be vigilant in order to ward off any imminent terrorists attacks in the region.

He has expressed his commitment to fight terrorism with an on-going campaign he is embarking on.

According to Mutsru Mumuni Muqthar, he has at least saved twenty [20] Ghanaians from joining extremist group, ISIS since he set up his 'West Africa Centre for Counter-Extremist [[WACCE]' to fight radicalism.

'Last year, I saved a young man's life he had been radicalized online and was on his way to join ISIS after he spent time online looking for the meaning in his life. He watched my TV outreach programme on counter-radicalization and that changed his mind set to join ISIS' - he said at a University Alumni Association event held at the Ghana Technology University College in Accra.

Mutsru Mumuni also noted that, - 'West Africa is one of the deadliest regions for terrorism. My plans are to expand my counter terrorism work to include the entire West Africa region, helping to dissuade vulnerable groups and individuals from engaging in violet extremist and falling into the void of terrorist recruitment'

Speaking at the event, the Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University lauded Mutaru's effect to embark on such a mission to curtail young Africans willing to join ISIS.

'Our student and alumni make a significant contribution to many communities. He's a very important person for the school and his team will shape made young lives to spread the message of peace across Africa' Mr. John Latham lamented.