General News of Friday, 18 June 2010

Source: GNA

Let's scrap appointment of ministers from parliament

Odumase (Ash), June 18, GNA - Participants at a consultative forum on the review of the constitution held at Odumase in the Asante-Akim North Municipality, have suggested that the appointment of ministers from parliament should be scrapped.

This arrangement, they said, did not augur well for good governance and should be dumped.

They said parliamentarians, who become ministers, end up neglecting their responsibilities to their constituents.

"To help keep their ministerial jobs such ministers tend to give more time and attention to their ministries, missing parliamentary sittings and rarely visit their various constituencies. The only time you see them is when it is about time for elections." Chiefs, civil society groups, representatives of the political parties, heads of department, assembly members, the security services and students attended the forum.

The participants criticized the huge sums of money paid to article 71 office holders as end of service benefit and want this slashed. Mr Akenteng Appiah-Menka, a member of the Constitution Review Commission, said it was imperative for the public to participate in the exercise to ensure its success. 18 June 10
