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General News of Tuesday, 1 November 2022


Let trainee teachers feed themselves - Principals demand

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The Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) wants trainee teachers to start fending for themselves effective Monday, November 7, 2022. A letter intercepted by and addressed to the Education Minister seeks the approval of government on the decision as it has become “increasingly difficult for Principals to continue to provide three meals a day to students at Six Cedis, Fifty Pesewas (C6.50).” [adrotate group="2"]The letter signed by the Executive Secretary of PRINCOF, Dr. Harriet Naki Arnui further read:”Principals of Colleges of Education have been trying really very hard to feed trainee teachers in recent times as a result of current market trends. Prices of all food items have shot up astronomically, and food suppliers have refused to supply any food items to Colleges because of the indebtedness of Colleges to these suppliers.” Meanwhile, it said a request for an upward review of the feeding grant paid to Principals has not been approved causing a strain on the running of the Colleges. This comes on the heels of agitations by trainees at Mount Mary College of Education in Somanya in the Eastern region accusing management of attempts to embezzle GHc279,104 feeding fee. The students say they paid for their feeding for four months waiting for government to reimburse them, however when the fund was released by the Student Loan Trust Fund for onward disbursement to the students with GHc 784.00 for each student, management has refused to pay the amount to them. The students accused the SRC of conniving with the management on the alleged embezzlement. They also complained of poor feeding despite the payment by government through the student loan Trust Fund.