Health News of Friday, 6 April 2007

Source: GNA

"Let us promote healthy lifestyle"-- Doctor

Akyem Oda, April 06, GNA- Dr Yaw Otchere, the Birim South District Director of Health Services on Thursday stressed the need for Ghanaians to adopt inspiring lifestyle changes that include sound nutrition and proper sanitation practices so as to prevent diseases.

He said the need for lifestyle change had become necessary due to increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases (diseases of choice) and related mortality.

Dr Otchere, who was speaking at a clinical meeting by health professionals at the Akyem Oda Government Hospital mentioned diabetes, stroke-CVA, Cardiovascular diseases and hypertension as non-communicable diseases that are on the increase in the district as a result of unhealthy lifestyle.

He said the hospital last year recorded 1,376 hypertension cases as against 1,251 in 2005 while 2,591 Diabetes Mellitus cases were reported in 2006 as against 2,052 in the preceding year. Dr Otchere also mentioned high intake of saturated fats, alcohol consumption, smoking,

lack of exercise, fast foods, poor personal hygiene and poor environmental cleanliness as causes of diseases of choice. He said man could enjoy long and healthy life if attention was paid to such key practices as the way we eat, regular exercise, potable water, adequate rest and positive mental attitude.

Ms Mary Bawa, Principal Nursing Officer, who spoke about the importance of water said it formed the foundation of blood and lymph, maintains hearty muscles and young looking skin. She said water, aside from aiding in the digestion and absorption of food, regulated body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, removes toxins and other wastes, cushions joints and protects tissues and organs.

Mr Yaw Asante Ayimadu, a Principal Technical and Nutrition Officer talked about nutrition and advised that people should not skip breakfast.

Mss Patricia Efisah and Miss Lovia Oforiwaa both physiotherapy assistants at the pysiotherapy unit of the Akyem Oda Government hospital later demonstrated various kinds of exercises and stretching. At the end of the meeting, the participants passed a resolution that at all meetings, seminars and trainings for all health institutions in the district, only regenerative snack-fruits and water should be served at snack breaks.
