On the 7th of January 2001 Ghana went through its first rites of passage; a smooth democratic transfer of the scepter of governance from one party of different hue to another. Like a Dipo bride in a shuffle dance, we are inching to a democratic maturity albeit unsteadily.For the past eleven years or more, our social sense of political harmony has sunk to its lowest. Irrespective of the issues concerned, two basic poles of identities (the NDC/NPP polarization) become entrenched. This has been passes on from past regimes but reached a crescendo in the previous two.
Notwithstanding the detrimental polarization, we have come a long from the past, during which the executive, like an incubus, had all the state apparatus kowtowing to its whims. Although the scornful insolence with which this extreme contortion, gleefully demonstrated and abstrusely defended was irksome, nevertheless, via our bashful rationalization, we acquiesced in the deception as a universally accepted largesse of incumbency.
But by a twist of fate, when the roles were reversed, those for whom this great deception was a reverie and sanctuary are now straining their vocal strands in a cacophony of mournful condemnation of the same system they ordained. Uncle Tony, guns or no guns, and Egya Atta, search or no search, my Fante progenitors were apt in the lore. ?Etu edur bon a ebe ka wo ano.? He who designs and constructs a pit reposes in it.
James Kofi-Davies
Dade Kotopon, La.
Dear editor,Permit me to use your respectable medium to address this national issue. This year is an election year and all the political parties are preparing for their campaign, the reason why they want to come to power is to seek better standard of living for the people of this beautiful country. All the political parties are struggling to come to power because they want development in this country, but what they have forgotten is that the good people of this country are being killed by the deadly disease AIDS and before this country would develop is the same people who would work for the development of this esteem country, so if they don't work hard for us to reduce the number of people being affected by this disease, then we can tell them that they are not seeking power to rule this country and better the standard living of the people but rather they only seek our vote to be at the top.
What in my view they should do during their campaign is to use at least 10 to 20 minutes on their plat form to advice the people who would gather at various campaign grounds and rallies how the AIDS is killing the people and warn them to stay away from unprotected sex.
Secondly, the people of this country need peace, so we are advising all the political parties to refrain from using insulting words, which will result in fighting. They should note that election is not a matter of employing people who call themselves" MACHO MEN" to harass the voters, if the people like you they would vote you in no matter what the opposition or the government would do. I would therefore conclude that all the political parties should take note that their parties came to meet the country Ghana, so they should think about Ghana and the people first.