General News of Friday, 1 January 2016


Load shedding not over – C'tee

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The current load shedding regime is not over, according to the Load Shedding Committee, despite a statement issued to the contrary by the Power Ministry on December 30, 2015.

A statement issued Thursday December 31, 2015 and signed by the Chief Executive Officer of state bulk power transmitter GRIDco, William Amuna, headlined: "Load Shedding not over despite significant gains made," said there remains residual milestones to be attained before load shedding will be deemed to be over.

According to the statement, the committee will convene a meeting in early January to review the progress of work after which Ghanaians will be told the true state of the situation.

"We wish to express our deepest appreciation to stakeholders for cooperating with the committee," the statement added.

The statement by the committee contradicts that of the Power Ministry which announced an end to the four-year crisis.

Sector Minister Dr Kwabena Donkor, it appears, is on his way to losing his job as a result of his Ministry’s hasty announcement of an end to the power problem.

Below is the statement:


The load shedding committee wishes to inform the general public that steps are being taken to permanently end the management of the power gap.

This notwithstanding we wish to state that there still exist residual mile stones to be attained to end load shedding as it relates to electricity supply.

These are being addressed in earnest and the committee will meet early 2016 to further review progress made. Ghanaians and industry will be appraised on the outcome of the meeting.

We wish to express our deepest appreciation to stakeholders for the cooperation with the committee.