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General News of Wednesday, 3 July 2024


Local Government Ministry holds one-day forum on sustainable urban mobility

The forum was to address challenges on sustainable urban mobility The forum was to address challenges on sustainable urban mobility

In an era of rapid urbanization, the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) confronts the critical task of developing efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation.

On Monday, July 2, 2024, the Local Government Ministry, led by Minister Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, convened a one-day Urban Mobility Forum to address these challenges.

Under the theme "Prioritising Sustainable Urban Mobility and Accessibility in GAMA," the forum highlighted the eight-year journey of the Ghana Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project (GUMAP).

This initiative, bolstered by a 6 million USD grant from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), aims to transcend traditional infrastructure projects by fostering a holistic approach to urban mobility.

"The project components emphasize Urban Mobility Planning and Public Transport Regulations; Traffic Planning and Management; Investment Measures; and a new Master’s Program at KNUST, in partnership with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. These project components have interrelated activities all geared towards achieving the overall project objective of improving urban mobility and accessibility in GAMA," the minister stated.

He added that the project has led to some key achievements, including key surveys and studies within GAMA.

"The data gathered during the project implementation period will form the basis for the establishment of an urban observatory for continuous data to guide urban mobility decision-making in GAMA. It is also envisaged that the Heads of Transport Departments of the beneficiary MMAs have built their capacity, and their skills and knowledge have been upscaled to enable them to deliver their duties effectively and efficiently," the minister said.

Dr. Evans Aggrey-Darkoh, Head of the Civil Service, emphasized that enhancing urban mobility extends beyond infrastructure, thus requiring more collaborative efforts aimed at achieving a resilient urban society of the future.

"In conclusion, prioritizing urban mobility and accessibility in Greater Accra is not just an infrastructure challenge; it is a pathway to a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for all our citizens. By working together—government, private sector, and the community—we can transform the Greater Accra Metropolitan area into a city that is not only more accessible and efficient but also more livable and resilient," he said.

On his part, the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Daniel Nii Kwartei Titus-Glover, voiced concerns over the dormancy of some Municipal and District Assemblies. Their inaction, he argued, contributes to disorder and the unchecked expansion of slums.

He called upon the Municipal Chief Executives (MCEs) to rise to the occasion, declaring, "All sleeping MCEs should awake; there’s so much work to be done!"

The forum witnessed presentations and panel discussions on the GUMAP project, with insightful findings, solutions, and calls to action coming to the fore.


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