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Politics of Sunday, 25 March 2012

Source: GNA

Low turnout at Asante-Akim

Turnout at most biometric voter registration centres in the Asante-Akim South Constituency on the first day of the exercise was generally low.

Few people were seen standing in queues almost at all centres visited by the Ghana News Agency (GNA).

In all, there are 124 registration centres and people complained that the process was too slow, compounded by technical challenges.

Mr Joseph Appiagyei, the District Electoral Officer, told the Ghana News Agency that the initial technical problems with the registration machines had been fixed and was confident of smooth and successful registration of voters in the area.

Mr Asante Boateng, the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate, said so far things had gone well.

He was however worried that, only two technicians had been assigned to the entire constituency and said this could pose serious challenges.**