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Regional News of Friday, 28 June 2024

Source: Michael Oberteye

Lower Manya chapter of NDC's Volta Diaspora Caucus inaugurated at Kpong

The ceremony was attended by party executives and chief of the community The ceremony was attended by party executives and chief of the community

The Volta Diaspora Caucus has inaugurated its branch at Lower Manya Krobo in the Eastern Region to facilitate the NDC's campaign in the constituency ahead of the 2024 general elections.

The Volta Diaspora Caucus is a group made up of people from the Volta Region living outside the region with the committed purpose of mobilizing people to come together with the common purpose of pushing the agenda of the NDC.

Hundreds of party faithful who hail from the Volta Region turned up for the inauguration ceremony held at the Kpong lorry station on Sunday, June 23, 2024.

The Caucus, with branches in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, and other countries, also aims at canvassing votes for the party’s presidential and parliamentary candidates across the country.

The Patron of the Greater Accra Regional Volta Diaspora Caucus, who was the Special Guest of Honor at the event, Dr. Anthony Sorkpor, urged members of the group to join hands in support of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama's candidacy, adding that unity was crucial towards the victory of the NDC.

"We are at a pivotal moment in our history, where the decisions we make on election day will shape the future of our beloved country," said the medical practitioner, furthering that the process was not just about the victory of a political party but also ensuring that the nation thrives under a leadership that understands and prioritizes the needs of its people.

He was emphatic that former President Mahama, given his track record, possessed the qualities and vision necessary to lead the NDC and the nation towards progress and prosperity.

He charged the rank and file of the party to eschew complacency but campaigned tirelessly to ensure that John Dramani Mahama emerged victorious on December 7.

Appointment of Deputy Eastern Regional Coordinator:

Mr. David Walter Hormenu, former Lower Manya Krobo NDC Constituency Chairman, has been appointed by the national executive body as the Deputy Eastern Regional Coordinator in charge of operations.

Mr. Hormenu has been tasked with the responsibility of mobilizing the Voltarians in the Eastern Region to canvass for votes in the Volta communities of the Eastern Region for victory in the December polls.

Citing Lower Manya to buttress his point, Mr. Hormenu averred: "In Lower Manya, for instance, we all know that Voltarians dominate in places like Kpong and Akuse... but they're not coordinated, so we're going to make sure we bring all of them under the same umbrella."

On his part, the National Coordinator of the Volta Diaspora Caucus, Mr. Basir Ahiable, called for unity and support for the party’s presidential and parliamentary candidates.

He, however, cautioned the executives of the Volta Diaspora Caucus not to be in competition with but to complement the roles of the constituency executives.

Mr. Hormenu tasked all members of the Volta Diaspora Caucus in the region to foster unity and rally behind the constituency executives and the party's parliamentary candidate to ensure victory in the 2024 general elections.

A 17-member Constituency Executive Body of the Volta Diaspora Caucus was also sworn in with the core responsibility to engage in door-to-door campaign activities to mobilize all persons from the Volta Region as well as form a welfare association for all Voltarians in the Lower Manya Krobo Constituency.

The sworn executives are expected to mobilize about 11% of the Lower Manya Krobo electorate, which originates from the Volta Region.

Skills Training:

31 people, including males, who had been empowered with various skills training were showcased on the day.

The beneficiaries, with full sponsorship from the Volta Diaspora Caucus, were trained in making liquid soap, detergents, washing gel, and Dettol, among others.

Some products made by the beneficiaries were also exhibited on the day. Additionally, 20 young women and one male were enrolled in various apprenticeship programs with full sponsorship from the Volta Diaspora Caucus.

They were enrolled in hairdressing, dressmaking, and driving.

The beneficiaries, aside from the training, will also receive start-up capital from the Caucus to aid their production and sales.