Regional News of Monday, 21 October 2019

Source: Michael Oberteye

MAKROSEC headmistress, businesswoman crowned Miss Yokama 2019

Miss Yokama 2019 with Nene Sakite II, Konor of Manya Krobo Traditional Area Miss Yokama 2019 with Nene Sakite II, Konor of Manya Krobo Traditional Area

Headmistress of the Manya Krobo Senior High School, Mrs Agnes Dawukie Nanor Narteh and Florence Aku Tetteh, a businesswoman are the Miss Yokama 2019, Konor of Manya Krobo Traditional Area, Nene Sakite II announced at a special ceremony on Monday, October 21, 2019.

The celebration of the two at the forecourts of the Konor’s Palace is the first time two women are being honoured with the title instituted sixteen years ago (2003) to honour women of virtue who have contributed diversely towards the betterment of society.

As part of the Annual Ngmayem or millet festival celebrations, the day brings together women of distinction to celebrate their achievements and contributions to the development of their various communities.

The objective of the day is also to inculcate in the youth, the drive of excellence.

Mrs Nanor who willingly accepted the title, said she was happy to return home after working in other parts of the country for several years, to help previous Yokama women in the discharge of their responsibilities.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Management from the University of Education, Winneba Campus, a Diploma in Agricultural Science Education and BED Degree in Agricultural Science respectively from the University of Education, Winneba, Mampong campus.

The two women pledged their commitment to join forces to institute various agenda aimed at ensuring the education and empowerment of girls as well as assist in the execution of various developmental projects.

The Overlord of the Manya Krobo Traditional Area, Nene Sakite II in congratulating the 2019 Yokama personalities, commended women for the vital role they played in the development of humanity.

According to him, the Yokama event had been duly registered into a Foundation to successfully pursue his goals for establishing the concept.

Nene Sakite who regretted that the event had still not attained the objectives for its establishment was however not worried at its slow place, hoping instead that the goals and objectives are achieved anyway.

The Konor further tasked the two to continue to serve as role models for young women.

Special Guest of Honour and Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Cynthia Mamle Morrison in congratulating the Konor for instituting the Virtuous Woman concept called for the mentorship of young girls by various role models to avoid bad influence from elsewhere.

The Minister who is also Member of Parliament for Agona West constituency in promising to associate more with Lower Manya Krobo henceforth hoped to institute a similar concept in her constituency, to honour virtuous women back home.

She congratulated the Queen mothers of the Manya Krobo Traditional Area for their efforts at mentoring young girls who she said stood the risk of bad influence if they were not mentored by the right people.

While calling on other districts to emulate the concept, Miss Mamle Morrison urged parents to ensure that they take advantage of the free SHS education to enrol their children in school to enable them to acquire some skills before marriage.

She also donated an amount of Ghc 1000 towards the preparations of the festival.

The Municipal Chief Executive for Lower Manya Krobo, Simon Kweku Tetteh said the institution of the celebration brings to the fore the huge recognition the Krobo State places on gender parity and the promotion of girl child education and women empowerment.

The Assembly Chief who honoured the imperishable records in community mobilization, public life and business of women as conspicuous and commendable, described them as examples of womanhood and role models for society especially women to attain heights that formally were considered as alien.

The “YOKAMA” (Ideal Woman) day was instituted and designated by the Konor of Manya Krobo in 2003 to bring together women of distinction and achievement to celebrate the day specially set aside for them as part of the Annual Ngmayem festival celebrations.