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Regional News of Monday, 5 June 2006

Source: GNA

MCE calls for more parental care of children

Obuasi, June 5, GNA - Mr Joseph Boampong, Obuasi Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), has observed that most children become delinquent because they do not have comfort at home due to parental neglect and thus tend to rely on their peers outside the home.

"Most of these children are denied parental love and care. As a result of this unfortunate situation, these children find comfort and become more attached to their peers. They wrongly copy lifestyles which turn to impact negatively on their future development", he said. Mr Boampong made these observations in a speech read for him by Nana Asirifi Asare II, Presiding Member of the Obuasi Municipal Assembly (OMA) at the 15th anniversary celebration and the 11th graduation ceremony of Neumann International School at Obuasi at the weekend. The MCE reminded parents of their divine responsibility toward the proper upbringing of their children.

Speaking on the theme, "The Unique Child", Mr Joseph Onyinah, Municipal Director of Education, said parents and teachers had an obligation to bring up unique children who would be worthy before the Lord.

"A child of suspicious character, a child with strong interest in drugs, a child who is disrespectful to authority and a child who is truant and do not have respect for his parents and teachers cannot be classified as a unique child", he said.

Mr Onyinah noted that it was only through proper education and training that a child could be made unique to avoid all forms of social vices.

"That is why it is imperative for all stakeholders involved in child development to support the government's Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) programme by ensuring that all children of school going age in their localities attend school", he said. He said it was when parents took active interest in the general life of their children that society could be sure of having unique youth for the future growth of the nation.

Mr Onyinah appealed to management of the school to see to give attention to all school activities that would help in developing the child to become unique in the society.

Madam Mary Serwaa Akoto, acting head of the school, said the school had been recording 100 per cent in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) over the years.