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Health News of Saturday, 11 October 2008

Source: GNA

MOH, organises Health-walk in Ashanti Region

Kumasi, Oct. 11, GNA - Ministry of Health (MOH) and Amalgamated Bank in Kumasi on Saturday organized a health-walk as part of the 2nd annual International health fair scheduled for Ashanti Region from October 12 to 19th, this year. The walk, which started at about 0630 hours from the Central Post Office through some principal streets in the Kumasi Metropolis, was joined by hundreds of residence who later converged at the golden jubilee park where they were addressed by Mr Abraham Dwumah Odoom, Deputy Minister of Health.

He said the health-walk was part of the regenerative health programme which sought to encourage Ghanaians to exercise their body, take nutritious food and consume more water to prevent contracting diseases.

This, the Minister said would help reduce the number of people attending hospital and also increase the life span of the people. Mr. Odoom advised members of keep fit clubs to desist from taking large quantities of alcoholic beverages after exercising their bodies. Mr Kwasi Inkoom Asimeng, Business Manager of Amalgamated Bank, said the Bank supported the walk to help promote the physical and mental being of residence to enable them to undertake their business in a healthy manner.