Akim Osorase(Central Region) 17 Oct. '98 Mr Felix Owusu-Adjapong, Member of Parliament (MP) for Akim Swedru, has reminded rural communities of the negative effects of chieftaincy disputes and petty squabbles and urged them to try and live in unity at all times. He said disputes, apart from wasting of human and material resources also retard the progress of a community since no government would be willing to site development projects in an area engulfed in conflicts. Mr Owusu-Adjapong said this at a durbar at Akim Osorase on October 16, after he has successfully settled a four-and-a-half-year-old chieftaincy dispute in the town.
The dispute arose when Mr Frank Okyere, the assembly member for the area and the Mankralo, Baafour Twum Ampofo, demanded accountability from the Chief, Barima Adu Baah-Kyere. The conflict forced the chief fled the town. GRi