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Regional News of Friday, 11 August 2006

Source: GNA

MP supports electrification project

Bolgatanga, Aug. 11, GNA - The Member for Parliament (MP) for Bolgatanga Constituency, Mr David Apasera, has donated seven million cedis as part of his Common Fund to support the electrification project at Zaare-Yoorebisi/Gaabisi in the Upper East Region.

Mr Apasera, making the donation said the electricity would assist women in the craft centres located in the area to do their business in the night and also assist students of the area to watch educative programmes such as the Distance Education programmes on television. The Youth Chairman of Zaare-Yoorebisi/Gaabisi, Mr Solomon Akakiya, on behalf of the citizens of the area thanked the MP for the support and said that the current estimate cost of the electrification project stood ad 32,630,000 cedis.

He said despite the abject poverty of the area, the community had been able to mobilise 5,110,000 cedis for the project. He appealed to other philanthropist and businessmen to help contribute to the success of the project.