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Politics of Thursday, 5 April 2012

Source: GNA

MP urges Assembly to set its development priorities right

The Member of Parliament for Sekondi, Papa Owusu Ankoma, has urged the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly to set its development priorities right.

He said the Assembly must undertake projects that are in the best interest of the people instead of imposition of projects, adding that political expediency would not help the development efforts of the metropolis.

Papa Owusu Ankomah said this at the First Ordinary Meeting of the Second Session of the Fifth General Assembly of the STMA in Sekondi on Wednesday.

He said flooding in the twin-city had been a perennial challenge that must be tackled and proposed regular de-silting of drains and proper waste management as the best options for solving the problem.

The MP said political expediency does not solve problems but rather all stakeholders must rally to confront the challenges in the metropolis.

He said the oil find in the Region had brought in its wake high residential accommodation and suggested that the state supports social housing to enable Ghanaians acquire affordable means of accommodation.

The Medical Director of the Effia-Nkwanta Reional Hospital, Dr. Paul Nkwaw Ntodi, was given the platform to educate the assembly members on negative effects of noise pollution.

He said noise pollution could causes hypertension, heart disease, hearing impairment, among other health defects.

Dr. Ntodi, said if someone is exposed to over 140 decibel of noise for over eight hours, it could lead to irreversible hearing impairment.

He therefore advised people who by the nature of their work cannot avoid high noise level to use ear protective gear or mask.

Dr. Ntodi urged the Assembly to strictly enforce its bye-laws on noise pollution in the metropolis since it is becoming a nuisance in the twin-city.

He said noise from loud speakers of churches, mosques, traders, CD sellers, among others had become the order of the day and there must be enforcement by the Assembly.**