Politics of Thursday, 3 October 2013

Source: radioxyzonline

MPs’ Common Fund fully paid

Ghana’s Members of Parliament have now been paid their full portion of the Common Fund.

All the Assemblies and people living with disabilities have also had their share paid in full.

The full payment was confirmed to XYZ News by Common Fund Administrator Kojo Fynn.

A delay by the Government in releasing the fund sparked agitation among MPs and also created administrative challenges for the various district and municipal assemblies across the country.

Some members of Parliament threatened to drag the finance minister before the legislative chamber to explain the delay.

Kojo Fynn says the Common Fund Secretariat is reliably informed that most of the assemblies and other beneficiaries have already accessed their monies.

He said the “Secretariat transferred the monies through the Ghana commercial bank since last Thursday and the various assemblies, including people living with disabilities as well as the MPs, should be able to access them”.

Mr. Fynn added that the Secretariat has notified the various beneficiaries of the fund in the Districts to contact their respective local banks for confirmation of the transfers.