General News of Tuesday, 16 April 2002

Source: Network herald

MPs to get $20,000 car loan

From information available to the Network Herald, indications are that our "very hard working" MPs may be given some 28 billion cedis to purchase the much talked about cars in spite of the initial public outcry against it’s approval.

Each of the 200 MPs is to receive about $20,000 approximately one hundred and fifty million cedis. Of course we are told it’s a loan but those of them whose vehicles cost more than $20,000 will have to top- up the difference from their own resources.

We like many others acknowledge that our parliamentarians need cars to perform their duties efficiently, but we are skeptical at the motive of doing so and also wonder how everything being equal, our honourables can pay back the loan.

The NH is of the conviction that this is another example of doing the right thing the wrong way. Doesn’t anybody see that giving out loans to persons whose income may make it difficult to pay back could resemble an official endorsement of corruption?

Our question is, can’t the constituents through the common funds provide their representatives with befitting modes of transportation? Then the vehicle assumes an emotional property of the constituents. Then the constituents can depending on their tastes and the general output of the MP, decide to aquire the most appropriate vehicles.

We believe that if there is a political goodwill, so many of our fiscal problems could be avoided even if we end up being unpopular. And please, DEMOCRACY IS NOT AS EXPENSIVE AS WE ARE MADE TO BELIEVE. IT’S ALL A MATTER OF SETTING PRIORITIES RIGHT.