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General News of Friday, 21 May 2021


Madina MP engages JICA for development assistance

MP for Madina, Francis-Xavier and Chief Representative for JICA , Araki Yasumichi MP for Madina, Francis-Xavier and Chief Representative for JICA , Araki Yasumichi

The Member of Parliament for Madina, Francis-Xavier Sosu, has held a meeting with the Chief Representative, Araki Yasumichi of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and his team, to explore potential development support areas for his constituency.

A wide range of issues ranging from job creation and entrepreneurship, health, education to road infrastructure were discussed at the meeting, which took place at the JICA conference room in Accra on Wednesday, 12 May 2021.

At the end of the meeting, both teams were excited about the prospects of their engagement.

Mr. Sosu expressed his gratitude to Yasumichi Araki and his team for the warm reception and discussions.

He assured that he would engage state agencies to ensure that his constituents benefit from opportunities that arose from bilateral collaborations between the governments of Ghana and Japan

Mr. Sosu's team included Mr. Timothy Nnyuieke Thatchroot-Becke, Head of Business at the office of the MP, and Mr. Ken Kadrah Huletey, Head of Quality Parliamentary Representation and Infrastructure (QPR-I).

The rest were Dr. Yennusom Maalug, Head of the Health Project, office of the MP; and Mrs. Owusuaa, a lawyer with F-X Law and Associates.