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General News of Monday, 6 May 2013

Source: peacefmonline

Mahama doesn’t qualify to be president - Sir John

General Secretary for the New Patriotic Party, Lawyer Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, has rubbished reports by the Ghana Palaver, a pro NDC newspaper that he was “kicked out of GNPC for dating four ladies” during the era of former President Kufour.

In an interview with, a clearly confounded Sir John made it clear that it was high time news editors made inquiries about their targets before framing up stories to tarnish their hard earned reputation.

Equating the publication to one that deserved to be buried in debris, Sir John stated that details of his resignation from GNPC could be found in the public gallery and was far from the “ladies angle” the Ghana Palaver tried to attach to the story.

Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie proffered that the Ghana Palaver started such “rubbish” on Nana Akufo-Addo and when they couldn’t afford to establish concrete facts, they redrew their “dirty” claims.

He further explained that it was absolutely wrong to bring such issues up for discussions when there were pressing issues the newspaper could have carried out.

Obviously not satisfied with the motivation that spurred editors of the Ghana Palaver newspaper to put up such a story, Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie pointed out that if per the logic of the editors “dating and bonking women” were wrong, then they should have known that President Mahama doesn’t fit to take up the mantle as “President or Vice President”.

He hinted that if there was someone to attack for “bonking” women, then President Mahama qualifies to be attacked first.

“He has a child out of wedlock,” he said.