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Politics of Tuesday, 24 November 2020


Mahama-led NDC killed former President Rawlings’s soul when he was alive – NDP

John Dramani Mahama with Late Jerry John Rawlings John Dramani Mahama with Late Jerry John Rawlings

The National Democratic Party (NDP) claims the founder of Ghana's largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), was hurt by the actions of members of his own political party.

Alhaji Mohammed Frimpong, Secretary-General of the NDP alleged that John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the NDC, spent thousands of dollars to sponsor a video made in Washington, DC, by one Kevin Ekow Baidoo Taylor, to insult the late former President.

“With the apparent endorsement of John Mahama and the NDC leadership, Kelvin Taylor said, and I quote, ‘Rawlings is a modern-day Judas and a hypocrite. He and his sleazy wife are greedy. He behaves as a lapdog to the NPP government and always kisses the ass of Nana Akufo-Addo anytime he gets the opportunity to speak about corruption.’ He also went on to say and I quote, ‘JJ Rawlings is not God, he is bad news and a modern-day Judas… and such a man does not even deserve to be a Statesman….JJ Rawlings is a coward…a hypocrite and a disgrace on the lap of a midget,’” Alhaji Frimpong stated at a press conference at Alisa Hotel on Monday, November 23.

He added: “These actions were deliberate and orchestrated by the Mahama-led NDC to hurt Jerry Rawlings and kill his soul even when he was alive. And now, the NDC which was fighting over a Book of Condolence ended up restating their contempt for President Rawlings by using a reception logbook as a book of condolence at their party office.”

Alhaji Mohammed Frimpong later served a strong warning to the NDC that they, the NDP, will continue to expose all those who are trying hard after vilifying the former President when he was alive, to rewrite their despicable opinions about the late former President Rawlings.

“And now, upon his demise, they are seeking the limelight for more personal political gain! How dare they! If John Mahama managed to profit from the death of President Mills, he should not be allowed to do [the] same with the demise of our beloved President Rawlings and Ghanaians should not and will not oblige him [....],” Alhaji Frimpong stressed.

Former President Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings (Rtd.) died on Thursday, November 12, at the Korle Bu Teaching hospital after suffering a short illness.

He was 73 years old.