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General News of Wednesday, 12 October 2016


Mahama must rise above petty propaganda – Bawumia

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

The Vice presidential candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia in a Facebook post replied President Mahama’s comment on the cedi redinomination daring him (Bawumia) to reveal the cost of the 2007 redenomination under the Kuffour administration.

The President John Dramani Mahama on Tuesday 11th October addressing party faithfuls at a campaign launch in Accra tossed a challenge to Dr. Bawumia to disclose the cost of the re-denomination by the NPP in 2007 since he as a president still does not know the amount of money that went into the cedi re-denomination.

Below is Dr. Bawumia’s full response to the President:

Mr. President, care to read?

"Today's request for disclosure on the 2007 re-denomination is another demonstration of incompetence. Apart from the fact that the then Governor disclosed the cost as far back as 2007, if the President really wanted to find out the cost of the re-denomination, he could simply have asked his VEEP who was Bank of Ghana Governor, especially when the President was Head of the Economic Management Team between 2009 and 2012."

Such petty propaganda should be beneath someone of the stature of a President. It is clear he is very poorly briefed, but when a President decides to join the bandwagon of propaganda, he only ends up embarrassing himself.

Moving on, can the President (with the same zeal) and his Economic Management Team respond to the 170 statements contained in my last lecture?”