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General News of Friday, 25 August 2017


Mahama’s 'friend' explains why he holds 7 Iphones

Former President John Mahama (left), Dele Momodu (right) Former President John Mahama (left), Dele Momodu (right)

He has in the last couple of days come under the lenses of the public for flaunting latest 7 Iphones whiles being treated to pedicure at an undisclosed location.

But the Nigerian journalist/publisher, businessman , philanthropist and a close friend to former President John Dramani Mahama, Dele Momodu has hit back at his critics indicating that he is into business and operates with different persons from different continents and must always be in touch.

He wondered why many would want to make mince meat out of his 7 iphones when even jobless persons have two.

“Ignorance is almost incurable! What is unprincipled about having phones for different countries? I’m in the business of communications please!

“Please teach me my job! You don’t know how I get my job done.

“Tell me how else I can be reached by telephone with operations on different continents.

“Even those without jobs have two phones,”