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Regional News of Saturday, 21 April 2007

Source: GNA

Maiden Garu-Tempane STME clinic held

Garu (U/E), April 21, GNA - Mr. Eugene Zongo-Naah Domah, Garu-Tempane District Director of Education, has advised pupils from deprived areas to venture into science-related courses to explore and develop the potentials and resources in their communities. He said this was the only way they could develop appropriate technologies to shape their destiny in their own standard and vision to reduce poverty

Pupils from such areas should not feel intimidated but should have confidence and interest in science-related courses, Mr. Domah, said at the closing of the maiden district-level Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (STME) clinic at Garu, in the Upper East Region. The thirty-one girls, out of the 38 participants were exposed to the study of Science, Mathematics and related courses to demystify the learning of the subjects.

During the five-day clinic on the theme, "STME: the Engine of Growth for the Nation", the participants were encouraged to use their own creativity to invent miniature aeroplanes, motorcycles, vehicles, water spraying machines powered by dry cell batteries and food drinks. Mr. Domah said development premised on knowledge in science and technology and called for the teaching and learning of the subjects at the basic levels of education.

The cardinal objective of the STME clinic was to demystify the learning of the science-related subjects and to build a solid foundation to equip the youth with the needed knowledge, he said. Mr. Domah expressed concern about the lack of teachers for science-related subjects and a Science Resource Centre in the district to encourage the pupils to develop interest in them. He appealed to the Ghana Education Service Council to hasten the upgrading of the only senior secondary school into a boarding institution and to provide it with a vehicle.

Madam Elizabeth Ayire Mwinkaar, Upper East Regional Director of Education, appealed to parents to refrain from forcing subjects on their children and wards but to allow them to unearth their talents and potentials.

Mr. Emmanuel Sin-nyet Asigri, District Chief Executive, gave the assurance that the Assembly would continue to assist to ensure quality education in the area.